The Power of Hubs

the power of hubs

The Power of Hubs brings together practitioners, thinkers and policymakers in the field of area development. The first meetup on 28 january 2016 in Vechtclub XL specifically targeted the power of hubs of creative and innovative businesses and their impact on urban transformation of heritage terrains such as large industrial complexes. What is the role of these hubs in sustainable urban redevelopment? How do they give direction and strengthen urban transformation? What can be learned from new cooperation models?

The Power of Hubs was initiated by the National Heritage Agency (Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed) and a collaboration between Dutch Creative Residency Network (DCR) and the Dutch Transformation-team (Herbestemmingsteam). Together with Linkeroever, Eurodite organised the meetup.

Location, country:
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The Hague – The Netherlands
National Heritage Agency, Dutch Creative Residency Network (DCR) and the Dutch Transformation-team
Management, Events